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£49,950 + SAV (LH) & £425,000 + SAV (FH)

Well-known Established Hotel & Restaurant Bar Business

- West Yorkshire

Alan J Picken are delighted to offer this well-known established hotel & restaurant bar business onto the market.

The business occupies a central position in the much sought after town of Halifax, West Yorkshire, with The Shakespear Hotel located above the beautiful Restaurant & Bar.

As the hotel is located just above the restaurant, guests can enjoy beautiful food in the spacious restaurant area, making their stay extra special. It’s enviable location in this popular tourist spot acts as a powerful magnet to attract a regular clientele.

The hotel has 7 guest rooms and an additional manager’s flat, however planning has been granted for additional 5 rooms to be built. There is obviously scope to take full advantage of the additional rooms, to increase the hotels capacity for more booking to derive maximum profits.

Takings circa £85,251 on accounts (restaurant only).
40% Gross Profit.
Additional income from hotel bookings at minimum £60 per room, per night.

Bookings are currently made through various online sites including, and The business also boasts its own website.

We trust that a dedicated owner proprietor could take this on themselves, exploit the businesses full potential and derive maximum profits.

Business £49,590 + SAV- Leasehold
Business & Freehold Property Offers in Excess of £425,000 + SAV
Halifax, West Yorkshire
Reference. W10577

Property Features